New article on stereophotogrammetric 3D imaging of HPV-induced skin lesions published in JEADV.

The quantification of human papilloma virus (HPV)-induced skin lesions is essential for the clinical assessment of the course of disease and the response to treatment. However, clinical assessments that measure dimensions of lesions using a caliper do not provide complete insight into three-dimensional (3D) lesions, and its inter-rater variability is often poor. Therefore, we aimed to validate a stereophotogrammetric 3D camera system for the quantification of HPV-induced lesions. Read about the study and the results in our recent article ‘Stereophotogrammetric three-dimensional photography is an accurate and precise planimetric method for the clinical visualization and quantification of human papilloma virus-induced skin lesions’ published in the Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology.

We are also proud to see our images on the cover of the journal: