CHDR has been monitoring cardiac function for more than two decades. CHDR's Cardiology Services offers sponsors a ‘one-stop-shop’ for all cardiology needs. We are experienced in measuring and imaging the microcirculation and can provide our sponsors with a range of macrovascular measurements.
Cardiology Services
CHDR’s Cardiology Services® provides a wide range of
cardiovascular diagnostic procedures to sponsors in the early stages of
clinical drug development, including:
- Dedicated QT analyses
- Holter recordings and analyses
- Heart rate variability
Reliably measuring the QT interval
One of the most important issues to address when developing a new drug is its potential to alter cardiac electrical activity, in particular the duration of the ventricular action potential (i.e. the QT interval, or QTI). An increase in the QTI has been associated with sudden death due to ventricular arrhythmia, particularly torsade de pointes, a severe form of ventricular tachycardia. At CHDR, we have developed an innovative new method for measuring the QTI using ECG data. Providing a comprehensive assessment of a compound’s putative effect on the QTI is an essential step in clinical drug development and is now one of the core elements in our portfolio, offered as part of CHDR Cardiology Services®.
- Echocardiography
- Cardiac MRI
- Organ blood flow (kidney & liver)
- Skin blood flow: speckle flow
- Retinal blood velocity measurements (vein or artery)