The Centre for Human Drug Research is a foundation established under Dutch law. The foundation's articles of association determine that it is governed by a two-tier board system: the Management Board is responsible for the daily executive management whilst the Supervisory Board monitors executive management.
Executive Board
The Executive Board is entrusted with the daily management of the foundation and is responsible for designing and implementing policy. The tasks and responsibilities of the Executive Board are set out in more detail in the Management Statute of CHDR. Business decisions with a significant financial or organisational impact are subject to prior approval of the Supervisory Board.
Members of the Executive Board are appointed, monitored, evaluated and dismissed by the Supervisory Board.
The Executive Board currently comprises:
- Geert Jan Groeneveld, Chief Executive Officer
- Anouk de Jong, Chief Financial Officer
Management Team
The Executive Board is supported by a Management Team that is formed by senior members of staff of the foundation. The members of the Management Team are collectively and individually responsible for the daily management of (a part of) the organisation, as delegated to them by the Executive Board.
The Management Team is chaired by the Executive Board, and its current members are:
- Bart van der Kroef, Technology Director
- Christine van Andel, HR Director
- Jacobus Bosch, Research Director
- Gabriel Jacobs, Research Director
- Margreet Rienstra, Compliance Director
- Matthijs Moerland, Research Director
- Maurits Vissers, Operations Director
- Naomi Klarenbeek, Research Director
- Philip Kremer, Research Director
- Robert Rissmann, Research Director
Supervisory Board
The Supervisory Board is charged with supervising the policy of the Executive Board and the general affairs of the foundation, as well as advising the Executive Board. The tasks and responsibilities of the Supervisory Board are defined in the Regulations for the Supervisory Board. The Supervisory Board meets in principle four times per year.
Members of the Supervisory Board are appointed by Leiden University on the recommendation of the Supervisory Board.
The Supervisory Board includes three committees:
Audit Committee: monitors the foundation's financial reporting and control systems;
- Remuneration Committee: reviews the performance of the Executive Board and draws up proposals for the remuneration of the Executive Board and Supervisory Board;
- Quality and Scientific Integrity Committee: reviews the foundation's measures and policies on quality and scientific integrity.
The tasks and responsibilities of each committee are set forth in separate regulations for each committee.
The Supervisory Board is currently formed by:
- Prof Dr Willy Spaan (Chair)
- Dr Gerard van Odijk
- Prof Dr Marianne de Visser
- Dr Jabine van der Meijs
- Barend van Doorn
- Prof Dr Manuela A. Joore
More information about the Supervisory Board members can be found here.
Employee council
Certain decisions of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board are subject to a final recommendation or decision by the Employee Council. This is a legal requirement imposed by the Employee Council Law (Wet op de Ondernemingsraad) of the Netherlands.
Financial governance
In order to maintain a sound financial position, CHDR has implemented the following:
- CHDR Treasury Regulations, which provide principles and guidelines regarding cash flow management, financing and risk management
- CHDR Investment Statute which provides guidelines that ensure that investment decisions are based on sound considerations and thorough research
Scientific Advisory Board
The Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) advises CHDR on the scientific quality of CHDR's projects and on the general scientific strategy. In addition, the SAB serves an important role in the education and proficiency of CHDR's PhD candidates, trainees and interns.
SAB members are nominated by CHDR's CEO and Research Directors. The composition of the SAB is chosen to reflect the expertise necessary to cover the activities and specific interests of CHDR. The SAB consists of at least five external members, elected for their expertise in various areas of pharmacology and medicine.
The role of the SAB is set out in a standard operating procedure titled “Scientific Review”.
A list of the members of the SAB can be found here.