Methods & Biomarkers

CHDR’s extensive experience with biomarker research and method optimisation can be used to identify or develop new methodologies, which can be tailor-made for a drug with an innovative mechanism of action or therapeutic indication. Such services can include development of laboratory analyses, pharmacological or physiological challenges, imaging techniques and PET ligands, and much more.

Central Nervous System

CHDR offers a range of tools to study the pharmacology of CNS drugs, including functional test batteries such as NeuroCart and PainCart, driving simulators, and imaging techniques such as resting-state fMRI and PET. With these approaches, we can investigate how the target systems function in both healthy subjects and patients.

Translational Biomarkers

At CHDR, we place great value on the use of biomarkers to predict clinical success. We are driven to discover and validate new biomarkers, combining a wealth of tools, techniques and expertise.

Immunology & Inflammation

We have developed and validated a series of in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo tools for inducing inflammation, enabling us to study the effects of compounds that target inflammatory pathways at early stages of drug development. Additionally, we offer a comprehensive set of objective measurements and instruments to systematically quantify a compound's effects on the skin.

Cardiovascular & Metabolic disease

We offer an array of cardiac electrophysiology services with exceptional reliability and accuracy. These include comprehensive QT analyses and functional assays, as well as methodology to challenge the metabolic state of human subjects, allowing early evaluation of the effect of new drugs.

Imaging Techniques

Our breadth of experience with a range of imaging techniques, including resting-state fMRI and PET, puts us at the forefront of innovations in the field of imaging – whether improving existing approaches or developing new techniques.

Browse our 1146 publications

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