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Journal of clinical pharmacology, 1998 Sep; 38(10):966-70
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Weijtens O, Schoemaker RC, Cohen AF, Romijn FP, Lentjes EG, van Rooij J, van Meurs JC
American journal of ophthalmology, 1998 Apr; 125(5):673-9
Weijtens O, van der Sluijs FA, Schoemaker RC, Lentjes EG, Cohen AF, Romijn FP, van Meurs JC
American journal of ophthalmology, 1997 Feb; 123(3):358-63
Schoemaker RC, Cohen AF
British journal of clinical pharmacology, 1996 Aug; 42(3):283-90
van Griensven JM, Jusko WJ, Lemkes HH, Kroon R, Verhorst CJ, Chiang ST, Cohen AF
Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics, 1995 Nov; 58(6):631-40
van Griensven JM, Schoemaker RC, Cohen AF, Luus HG, Seibert-Grafe M, Röthig HJ
European journal of clinical pharmacology, 1995 Apr; 47(6):513-8
Van Rooij J, Schoemaker HC, Bruno R, Reinhoudt JF, Breimer DD, Cohen AF
British journal of clinical pharmacology, 1993 May; 35(6):661-3
van Griensven JM, Seibert-Grafe M, Schoemaker HC, Frölich M, Cohen AF
European journal of clinical pharmacology, 1993 Apr; 45(3):255-60
Soons PA, Mulders TM, Uchida E, Schoemaker HC, Cohen AF, Breimer DD
European journal of clinical pharmacology, 1993 Apr; 44(2):163-9
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