Geert Jan Groeneveld
2017 Oct
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Dahan A, Boom M, Sarton E, Hay J, Groeneveld GJ, Neukirchen M, Bothmer J, Aarts L, Olofsen E
Anesthesiology, 2017 Apr; 126(4):697-707
Okkerse P, van Amerongen G, de Kam ML, Stevens J, Butt RP, Gurrell R, Dahan A, van Gerven JM, Hay JL, Groeneveld GJ
British journal of clinical pharmacology, 2016 Nov; 83(5):976-990
van Amerongen G, de Boer MW, Groeneveld GJ, Hay JL
British journal of clinical pharmacology, 2016 Sep; 82(4):903-22
Doll RJ, van Amerongen G, Hay JL, Groeneveld GJ, Veltink PH, Buitenweg JR
Experimental brain research, 2016 Aug; 234(9):2505-14
Okkerse P, Alvarez-Jimenez R, Hay JL, Tehim A, Kumar R, de Kam ML, Groeneveld GJ
European journal of pain (London, England), 2016 Aug; 21(3):494-506
Okkerse P, Hay JL, Versage E, Tang Y, Galluppi G, Ravina B, Verma A, Williams L, Aycardi E, Groeneveld GJ
British journal of clinical pharmacology, 2016 Jun; 82(1):108-17
Hay JL, Okkerse P, van Amerongen G, Groeneveld GJ
Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE, 2016 Apr
Roozekrans M, Olofsen E, van der Schrier R, van Gerven J, Peng S, McLeod J, Dahan A
Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics, 2015 May; 97(6):641-9
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