Kemme MJ, Burggraaf J, Schoemaker RC, Paulson S, Karim A, Lentjes EG, Childs A, Braeckman RA, Cohen AF
Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics, 2000 Apr; 67(5):504-11
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Faaij RA, Van Gerven JM, Jolivet-Landreau I, Masclee AA, Vendrig EM, Schoemaker RC, Jacobs LD, Cohen AF
Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics, 1999 Nov; 13(12):1605-10
Langendonk JG, Meinders AE, Burggraaf J, Frölich M, Roelen CA, Schoemaker RC, Cohen AF, Pijl H
The American journal of physiology, 1999 Oct; 277(5 Pt 1):E824-9
Gijsman HJ, Verkes RJ, van Gerven JM, Cohen AF
Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 1999 Sep; 21(4):597
van Steveninck AL, van Berckel BN, Schoemaker RC, Breimer DD, van Gerven JM, Cohen AF
Journal of psychopharmacology (Oxford, England), 1999 Aug; 13(1):10-7
Weijtens O, Feron EJ, Schoemaker RC, Cohen AF, Lentjes EG, Romijn FP, van Meurs JC
American journal of ophthalmology, 1999 Jul; 128(2):192-7
Van Haarst AD, Van Gerven JM, Cohen AF, De Smet M, Sterrett A, Birk KL, Fisher AL, De Puy ME, Goldberg MR, Musson DG
British journal of clinical pharmacology, 1999 Jul; 48(2):190-6
Voortman G, van de Post J, Schoemaker RC, van Gerven JM
Human reproduction (Oxford, England), 1999 Jun; 14(7):1698-702
Cath DC, Gijsman HJ, Schoemaker RC, van Griensven JM, Troost N, van Kempen GM, Cohen AF
Psychopharmacology, 1999 Apr; 144(2):137-43
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