Gijsman HJ, Verkes RJ, Schouten-Verhagen JC, Schoemaker RC, Van Gerven JM, De Rijk RH, Van Kempen GM
Human psychopharmacology, 2000 Jul; 15(6):417-421
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Gijsman HJ, Verkes RJ, van Gerven JM, Cohen AF
Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 1999 Sep; 21(4):597
Cath DC, Gijsman HJ, Schoemaker RC, van Griensven JM, Troost N, van Kempen GM, Cohen AF
Psychopharmacology, 1999 Apr; 144(2):137-43
den Hartigh J, Hilders CG, Schoemaker RC, Hulshof JH, Cohen AF, Vermeij P
Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics, 1993 Sep; 54(4):415-20
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