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Journal of the neurological sciences, 2023 Jun
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Leijenaar JF, Ingala S, Sudre CH, Mutsaerts HM, Leeuwis AE, van der Flier WM, Scheltens P, Weinstein HC, Barkhof F, van Gerven J, Groeneveld GJ, Prins ND
Cerebral circulation - cognition and behavior, 2023 May
van der Stuijt W, Gal P, Kemme MJB, Burggraaf J
Annals of noninvasive electrocardiology : the official journal of the International Society for Holter and Noninvasive Electrocardiology, Inc, 2019 Apr
van der Wall HEC, Gal P, Kemme MJB, van Westen GJP, Burggraaf J
Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology, 2019 Apr; 73(4):257-264
Burggraaf J, Schoemaker HC, Cohen AF
British journal of clinical pharmacology, 2018 Dec; 42(4):499-502
Cohen AF, Burggraaf K, de Boer A, Kluft C
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2018 Dec
Birkhoff WAJ, Heuberger JAAC, Post TE, Gal P, Stuurman FE, Burggraaf J, Cohen AF
Physiological reports, 2018 Dec; 6(24):e13924
Birkhoff W, de Vries J, Dent G, Verma A, Kerkhoffs JL, van Meurs AHF, de Kam M, Moerland M, Burggraaf J
Microvascular research, 2018 Mar
van Meer L, Moerland M, van Dongen M, Goulouze B, de Kam M, Klaassen E, Cohen A, Burggraaf J
The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics, 2016 Oct; 359(2):280-289
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