Meijer RPJ, Neijenhuis LKA, Zeilstra AP, Roerink SF, Bhairosingh SS, Hilling DE, Mieog JSD, Kuppen PJK, Sier CFM, Braun J, Burggraaf J, Vahrmeijer AL, Cohen D, Hutteman M
Molecular imaging and biology, 2023 Feb; 25(1):228-239
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Kruizinga MD, Essers E, Stuurman FE, Yavuz Y, de Kam ML, Zhuparris A, Janssens HM, Groothuis I, Sprij AJ, Nuijsink M, Cohen AF, Driessen GJA
The European respiratory journal, 2022 Jun
Neijenhuis LKA, de Myunck LDAN, Bijlstra OD, Kuppen PJK, Hilling DE, Borm FJ, Cohen D, Mieog JSD, Steup WH, Braun J, Burggraaf J, Vahrmeijer AL, Hutteman M
Life (Basel, Switzerland), 2022 Mar
Kruizinga MD, Zhuparris A, Dessing E, Krol FJ, Sprij AJ, Doll RJ, Stuurman FE, Exadaktylos V, Driessen GJA, Cohen AF
Pediatric pulmonology, 2021 Dec
Kruizinga MD, Birkhoff WAJ, van Esdonk MJ, Klarenbeek NB, Cholewinski T, Nelemans T, Dröge MJ, Cohen AF, Zuiker RGJA
British journal of clinical pharmacology, 2019 Nov
Franciosi LG, Diamant Z, Banner KH, Zuiker R, Morelli N, Kamerling IM, de Kam ML, Burggraaf J, Cohen AF, Cazzola M, Calzetta L, Singh D, Spina D, Walker MJ, Page CP
The Lancet. Respiratory medicine, 2018 Aug; 1(9):714-27
Vanbrabant TJF, Dijkmans AC, den Hartigh J, Touw DJ, Arend SM
The Netherlands journal of medicine, 2018 Jul; 76(5):235-242
Dahan A, Boom M, Sarton E, Hay J, Groeneveld GJ, Neukirchen M, Bothmer J, Aarts L, Olofsen E
Anesthesiology, 2017 Apr; 126(4):697-707
Zuiker RG, Tribouley C, Diamant Z, Boot JD, Cohen AF, Van Dyck K, De Lepeleire I, Rivas VM, Malkov VA, Burggraaf J, Ruddy MK
European clinical respiratory journal, 2016 May
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