Hijma H, Koopmans I, Klaassen E, Doll RJ, Zuiker R, Groeneveld GJ
British journal of clinical pharmacology, 2022 Aug
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Moss LM, Berends CL, van Brummelen EMJ, Kamerling IMC, Klaassen ES, Bergmann K, Ville V, Juarez-Perez V, Benichou AC, Groeneveld GJ
British journal of clinical pharmacology, 2021 May
Hijma HJH, Siebenga PSP, de Kam MLM, Groeneveld GJGJ
Pain medicine (Malden, Mass.), 2021 Feb
Siebenga P, van Amerongen G, Hay JL, McDonnell A, Gorman D, Butt R, Groeneveld GJ
Clinical and translational science, 2019 Oct
Siebenga PS, van Amerongen G, Okkerse P, Denney WS, Dua P, Butt RP, Hay JL, Groeneveld GJ
European journal of pain (London, England), 2019 Jul; 23(6):1129-1140
van Esdonk MJ, Lindeman I, Okkerse P, de Kam ML, Groeneveld GJ, Stevens J
CPT: pharmacometrics & systems pharmacology, 2019 Mar; 7(9):573-580
Siebenga PS, van Amerongen G, Klaassen ES, de Kam ML, Rissmann R, Groeneveld GJ
European journal of pain (London, England), 2018 Dec
van Amerongen G, Siebenga P, de Kam ML, Hay JL, Groeneveld GJ
European journal of pain (London, England), 2018 Aug; 22(7):1331-1342
Okkerse P, Hay JL, Sitsen E, Dahan A, Klaassen E, Houghton W, Groeneveld GJ
British journal of clinical pharmacology, 2018 Feb; 83(4):751-763
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