Aliede E. in ‘t Veld, Manon A. A. Jansen, Luuk C. A. Ciere and Matthijs Moerland
2021 Mar
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Jacobse J, Ten Voorde W, Tandon A, Romeijn SG, Grievink HW, van der Maaden K, van Esdonk MJ, Moes DJAR, Loeff F, Bloem K, de Vries A, Rispens T, Wolbink G, de Kam M, Ziagkos D, Moerland M, Jiskoot W, Bouwstra J, Burggraaf J, Schrier L, Rissmann R, Ten Cate R
British journal of clinical pharmacology, 2021 Jan
Saghari M, Gal P, Ziagkos D, Burggraaf J, Powell JF, Brennan N, Rissmann R, van Doorn MBA, Moerland M
British journal of clinical pharmacology, 2020 Oct
Grievink HW, Jirka SMG, Woutman TD, Schoonakker M, Rissmann R, Malone KE, Feiss G, Moerland M
Clinical and translational science, 2020 Apr
Hijma HJ, Moss LM, Gal P, Ziagkos D, de Kam ML, Moerland M, Groeneveld GJ
Brain, behavior, and immunity, 2020 Apr
Niemeyer-van der Kolk T, Assil S, Buters TP, Rijsbergen M, Klaassen ES, Feiss G, Florencia E, Prens EP, Burggraaf J, van Doorn MBA, Rissmann R, Moerland M
Clinical and translational science, 2020 Mar
van der Plas JL, Verdijk P, van Brummelen EMJ, Jeeninga RE, Roestenberg M, Burggraaf J, Kamerling IMC
Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics, 2019 Nov
In 't Veld AE, Grievink HW, Saghari M, Stuurman FE, de Kam ML, de Vries APJ, de Winter BCM, Burggraaf J, Cohen AF, Moerland M
International journal of molecular sciences, 2019 Sep
Grievink HW, Heuberger JAAC, Huang F, Chaudhary R, Birkhoff WAJ, Tonn GR, Mosesova S, Erickson R, Moerland M, Haddick PCG, Scearce-Levie K, Ho C, Groeneveld GJ
Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics, 2019 Aug
Central Nervous System
Immunology & Inflammation
Cardiovascular & Metabolic disease
Internal Medicine
Translational Biomarkers
Imaging Techniques
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