Koopmans I, Doll RJ, van der Wall H, de Kam M, Groeneveld GJ, Cohen A, Zuiker R
PloS one, 2023 Jun; 18(2):e0278300
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Muehlan C, Brooks S, Vaillant C, Meinel M, Jacobs GE, Zuiker RG, Dingemanse J
Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics, 2022 Sep; 111(6):1334-1342
van der Wall HEC, Doll RJ, van Westen GJP, Koopmans I, Zuiker RG, Burggraaf J, Cohen AF
Traffic injury prevention, 2021 May
Accident; analysis and prevention, 2020 Oct
Huizinga CR, Zuiker RG, de Kam ML, Ziagkos D, Kuipers J, Mejia Y, van Gerven JM, Cohen AF
Journal of psychopharmacology (Oxford, England), 2019 Apr
Jacobs M, Hart EP, Mejia Miranda Y, Groeneveld GJ, van Gerven JMA, Roos RAC
Parkinsonism & related disorders, 2018 Dec
Cohen AF, Posner J
British medical journal (Clinical research ed.), 2018 Dec; 288(6421):935
van de Loo AJAE, Bervoets AC, Mooren L, Bouwmeester NH, Garssen J, Zuiker R, van Amerongen G, van Gerven J, Singh J, der Ark PV, Fedgchin M, Morrison R, Wajs E, Verster JC
Psychopharmacology, 2017 Nov; 234(21):3175-3183
Milou Jacobs, Ellen P. ’t Hart en Raymund A.C. Roos
2017 Oct
Central Nervous System
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