van Gerven J, Bonelli M
British journal of clinical pharmacology, 2018 May
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Landray MJ, Bax JJ, Alliot L, Buyse M, Cohen A, Collins R, Hindricks G, James SK, Lane S, Maggioni AP, Meeker-O'Connell A, Olsson G, Pocock SJ, Rawlins M, Sellors J, Shinagawa K, Sipido KR, Smeeth L, Stephens R, Stewart MW, Stough WG, Sweeney F, Van de We
European heart journal, 2018 May; 38(21):1632-1637
Central Nervous System
Immunology & Inflammation
Cardiovascular & Metabolic disease
Internal Medicine
Translational Biomarkers
Imaging Techniques
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